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My Credo

  • Every moment counts

  • You don’t know when your time is going to come so cherish it like it is going to be your last. You should make every moment count because you need to have things to look back at in your life and smile.Take every opportunity that comes along, or you can miss it. One example is if someone offers you a trip to another country, but you have plans. Another example is if you have a chance to help someone. They could be forever grateful, but if you miss that chance you could be enemies. You have to decide whether or not you are going to take advantage of the situation.

  • Christianity

  • I know some people don’t agree with my belief so that is all the more reason to do it. I believe that Christianity is the true religion to follow. I am a person of facts, and Christianity is one religion that is based on many facts. My father is a Christian and got me to believe. A few years ago my father took me to church. I listened a bit and got interested. I looked more into it and learned all sorts of real life facts that proves that it is real.

  • Myself first

  • I know it sounds selfish; however, I don’t think it is. By serving myself I can better serve the world. If I don’t take care of myself I can’t help other people. I am not willing to sacrifice my well being for others. Even if I donate to charity, if I don’t save money for me, I can’t help other people. If some homeless person asks for some money but all you have is a $100 bill you should not give it to them because you need to take care of yourself first.

  • Follow the Golden Rule

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated. This rule is important because there are a lot of bad people in the world. These people will take advantage of you any way they can. If you treat them fairly they are less likely to take advantage of you. Also, if you are nice to people you don’t feel guilty about yourself. I know from experience that when I treat someone wrongly I feel like a villain. Also, it is so easy to be nice to people so why not do it?

  • Reach for the stars

  • It is better to reach for the moon and fall short then reach for the treetops and make it. If you don’t set goals and challenge yourself you will not succeed. If you do not meet these goals it is more incentive for you to try harder. If you reach an easy goal it is hollow accomplishment. As long as you try your best you should feel good no matter how you actually do. Leo Burnett once said “when you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.”

  • Answers should be black and white

  • I believe questions should have one answer; Therefore, this project was very hard for me. In any other subject such as math and social studies, they have one answer because that is just what is true. For this project I had to come up with my own answer to the problem. When answers are clear and I can just memorize them it is really easy. Whereas with my own opinion, even though Mrs. Chandler said any answer is OK, it is still difficult. In school learning should not involve your opinion.

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