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Top Ten Things About Me

These are the top ten things about me, things I enjoy, and things that people like about me.

1: I am in NJHS, in advanced Biology, and Algebra

2: I live with my parents, my 2 brothers, my sister, and my dog.

3: I am in Boy Scouts and am a first class scout

4: I am very indiciceve

5: I like Minecraft. I know some of you. Actually a lot of you think Minecraft is old and boring but I like it.

6:  My favorite food is a cheeseburger. And my favorite drink is between eggnog and creme soda

7: One of my favorite Youtubers is JeromeASF

8: My favorite computer font is comic sans

9: I am deathly afraid of Spiders.

10: I like drama so I'm in the play, acapela club, the musical, band and chorus

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